Korean Baby's Newborn Celebration

Monday, April 11, 2011

In Korea, the first 100 days is a very special time for parents and a newborn baby. It is the time that increases the newborns potential of success on earth. Historically, the survival rates before the first 100 days was very minimal, the rates would drastically increase after the first 100 days. Therefore, throughout history and even today many parents are still celebrating the first 100 days with a large party. Some adoptive parents will have fun celebrating this party after the first 100 days after the 'gotcha day" in Korea. It is a time to not only celebrate the child's life however also to celebrate the parents.

Very soon to the 100 day celebration of your baby, plans should start to take place either if planning a large or small party. If the child is sick at this 100 day mark, then a party should not be discussed since it is considered bad luck for the newborn. Most likely though the child will be healthy and happy to party along with the other members of the family so this should not be worried. At this party, it has been traditional to pray and offer gifts to the gods, red rice cakes are given, gift giving and of course feasting!

The main part of the Korean 100 day celebration is the praying to the gods. These gods are called 'samsin halmeoni' or sometimes just 'samsin'. These gods are special because they have protected the child during the days in the womb, during childbirth and during the first few days of birth. Therefore, gifts of thanks are given to the gods such as offerings of rice and soup. The offerings are usually setup in front of a makeshift shrine inside the parent's house. Since the baby is not supposed to leave the house up until the first 100 days, it is best that the makeshift shrine be built inside the house. After the 100 days, the mother and child can leave the house and go to the shrine but not until then.


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