Scandinavian Wedding Traditions

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Traditionally Scandinavians don’t like to rush into marriage. Marriage is a serious business and in many parts of Scandinavia an engagement may last three or even four years, allowing plenty of time for the couple to get to know each other, to see each other at their best and at their worst.

The Gates of Honor

Many of the wedding traditions in the Scandinavian countries go back hundreds of years. In Denmark, for example, it is traditional for an arch of pine branches to be built in front of the bride’s home. This arch is known as the Gates of Honor.
At the wedding reception in Denmark it is traditional for the groom to disappear during part of the ceremony so that all the unmarried young men can kiss the bride – and then it is the bride’s turn to disappear while all the single girls kiss the groom.
To insure good luck and to ward off evil spirits it is required that a Danish couple cut their wedding cake together, the new husband and wife holding the knife together, and then for each wedding guest to eat a slice of cake.

Crowning the next bride-to-be

In Finland it is tradition for the bride-to-be to walk from house to house with a pillowcase to collect her wedding presents. While she walks from house to house an older, married man walks beside her, holding an umbrella or parasol over her head as a symbol of protection and shelter.
It is also traditional for a bride in Finland to wear a golden crown and during the wedding reception she is blindfolded and spun around while all the unmarried girls dance around her – the one she places the crown on will be the next to marry! 

Two pine trees – the symbol of fertility

When a couple is married in Norway their friends and neighbors plant two small pine tries on either side of their young couple’s front door as a symbol of fertility.
Also, a Norwegian bride wears a silver crown in silver charms hanging all around it. As she walks the charms tinkle, making a beautiful music sound which wards off evil spirits which love to cause havoc with newlyweds.

Gold and silver coins so the bride will never be without

In Sweden mother of the bride traditionally presents her daughter with a gold coin to be placed in her right shoe and her father gives her a silver coin for her left shoe. In this way they hope to ensure that their daughter will never be poor.
When a girl in Sweden is engaged it is customary for her to receive an engagement ring. Then, during the wedding ceremony the bride’s husband slips the wedding ring onto his new bride’s finger plus he slips a ring of motherhood onto her finger as well – meaning that a Swedish wife will wear three golden rings.
While the details may vary from one country to another, many customs and traditions are the same. Throughout all of Scandinavia there is some fertility custom that goes along with all marriage ceremonies, a recognition that the purpose of marriage is not to be a couple…but to become a family.


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