Malay Baby's Newborn Celebration

Monday, April 11, 2011

Many cultures around the world practise some form of tonsure ritual for newborns or babies. Some remove just a few locks; others call for baby’s hair to be completely shaved. Cukur Jambul, it is the baby’s very first haircut, done in accordance with Malay tradition. It is very much seen as an occasion for the extended family to come together, renew bonds and welcome the new baby into the clan.

In a traditional cukur jambul, the baby’s hair is tonsured and then ultimately buried in the ground. The closest family members are always invited to witness the event. Usually, prayers are recited or sung (also known as marhaban or berzanji). Everything in-between depends largely on family tradition and regional customs.

The cukur jambul usually begins in the late morning with a reading from the Quran or the marhaban or berzanji. The new father or mother then carries the baby to each person who will snip off a lock – usually grandparents, family or village elders, members of the marhaban or berzanji group, and religious leaders. It is customary (though not compulsory) for those who do the honours to present the baby with a little gift in cash or kind. The locks are put into either a bowl of water or a young coconut cut and shaped into a bowl. In some families, it is also customary to weigh the locks and donate its weight in gold (or the cash equivalent) to the poor and needy. Once the ceremony ends, this hair is then buried.

The cukur jambul ceremony generally coincides with the end of the confinement period (pantang) observed by the new mother, which lasts between 40 and 44 days. Many new parents choose to hold the ceremony at the home of a respected family elder, but this is not always convenient or possible, owing to sheer logistics such as the size of the property and the number of guests.

Most new parents invite family and close friends. Yet others also include neighbours and colleagues. However, a big and lavish kenduri is not mandatory. A low-key and intimate affair with only close family members can be just as meaningful. Some new parents choose to hold no party at all.

Another important element is the dulang or ceremonial tray which holds the scissors and the young coconut (or bowl of water). Often, these are accompanied by daun kunyit (turmeric leaves), bunga rampai (fragrant bouquet which usually includes pandan leaves, jasmine and frangipani), and perhaps some honey and dates.

Guests are usually then served food and drinks. These days, it is common to see traditional Malay dishes such as nasi briyani, nasi minyak, kambing guling, ayam masak merah and gulai daging served alongside chocolate cakes and Western dishes. And while it used to be that guests were presented with a quintessentially Malay bunga telur (a hardboiled egg enclosed within a single flower) as a party favour, these days they are sent off with sweets and cakes, too.

Find a variety of baby newborn package available from Sweetest Moments.


Coochicoo said...

We call it as baby full month celebration here. Nice share, thanks.

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