Wedding Banquet - 结婚宴席 Jie Hun Yan Xi

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Traditionally, to celebrate the marriage, the groom’s family will throw a wedding feast for their respective friends and families. The bride’s family may also throw their own wedding feast separate from the groom. How grand or large depends on how much they can afford. There can be a single feast or a many feast up-to 7 days if necessary. However, most will hold only one single feasts. If multiple feasts are held, the wedding feasts held on the actual day of the wedding that is most important. And that would be the day where friends & relatives will witness the union of the couple.

In modern day, a wedding ceremony is held at restaurant or hotel usually on the same day as the tea ceremony in the evening to witness the union of the couples. Usually, a list will be prepared for all the guests that will be attending, and the various family members will be assigned to the first few tables for each side of the family, followed by the friends.

Related : Traditional Chinese Wedding Procedures
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